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Tips to Freshen Your Breath from the leading dentist of Miramar

Bad breath can affect your self confidence and can also embarrass you in certain situations. People with good oral hygiene can also experience unpleasant mouth smell after having a meal, especially that which contain a lot of garlic and onion. However, there are few tips recommended by some of the leading dentists of Miramar which can help you to resolve this problem very easily.

Follow a strict oral Health Routine

In order to enjoy fresher breath most dentists recommend a strict oral health routine. Brushing your teeth twice in a day will helps to prevent the plaque and bacteria that are the major cause of bad breath.

Clean your tongue

Bacteria can stick to your tongue and then release a waste byproduct that causes a gross stench. When you clean your tongue, or use a tongue scraper you remove plaque that form or byproduct from the bacteria.

Salt water mouthwash

Most dentists recommend to use salt water as an instant remedy to prevent bad breath. Just take a glass of water and add some salt, mix it well and rinse your mouth using this mouthwash. It is antibacterial suspension and help to eliminate the bad odor from your mouth

Drink Plenty of water

Water is a natural cleanser which can benefit our health through millions of ways. A recommended level of water (that is around 48 ounces) helps your body to function properly and also keeping bacteria at bay by lubricating your mouth. It can improve your oral health and helps to wash away acidity or debris that can cause a bad breath.

Chew on fresh mint leaves

In order to freshen your breath you can try chewing on some peppermint leaves instead of popping in a breath mint. This can save your teeth from decay and helps freshen your breath naturally. It also improves your digestion.

Drink more green juice and less coffee

Coffee contains high amounts of acid which can lead to bad breath on the other hand green juice contains a low level of acid. It will also helpful to keep your body at an alkaline level rather than an acidic level.

Visit your dentist regularly

Routine checkups and appointments are necessary to maintain your oral health. If you have tried all of the above remedies and still your bad breath is not going away than you need to visit your dentist immediately.